Western New York Heritage

Spring 2021

Volume 24, Number 1

  • Connecting to an "Untouchable" Past (Scott Leeson Sroka)
  • Mr. George K. Arthur: 1933 - 2020 (MSAAHCC)
  • Color and Art at the Pan Am: A Retrospective 120 Years Later (Christopher Behrend)
  • Another Look: Eddie "Cannon" Bald, Buffalo's Record Setting Wheelman (Noelle Wiedemer)
  • Old Photo Album: The Mighty Lafayette Violets (Noelle Wiedemer)
  • Kohler Awning (Greg D. Tranter)
  • WWII Letters Bring Local Doctor Back to Life (Loretto Thompson)
  • Endnotes: Mural Article Makes Family Connection (Tom Reigstad)
Call 716-893-4011 for special pricing if ordering a total of 5 or more past issues.
Quantity (includes shipping; Canadian additional) - $14.65