Western New York Heritage

Summer 2018

Volume 21, Number 2

  • Orchard Park's Allen Potter: A Life of Service Inspires a Unique Preservation Effort (Douglas W. DeCroix)
  • Women-Led and World-Renowned: The Children's Hospital of Buffalo (David Neth)
  • The Immigrant Army: Western New York's Polish Volunteers in World War I (Stephen Cocca)
  • A Tale of Three Towns: A Trio of Southtowns Observe a Collective Bicentennial (Robert Lowell Goller, Karen L. Kline & Dee Zeigel)
  • A Buffalo Childhood: Recollections of the Polish East Side in Wartime and Beyond (Phyllis Wazenska O'Donnell)
  • Old Photo Album: A Treasure Trove of Trucks (Douglas W. DeCroix)
  • Endnotes: "Even a Blind Sow Picks Up an Acorn Once in a While" (Douglas W. DeCroix)
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