Western New York Heritage

Summer 2021

Volume 24, Number 2

  • Anne White Carpenter: The Woman Behind the Wheel (Sasha C. Naples)
  • Not Your (Great) Grandmother's Art Society: Reinventing the Buffalo Society of Artists (Nancy Sanders)
  • Full Circle: The Amazing Journey of the Buffalo Heritage Carousel (Douglas W. DeCroix)
  • At the Water's Edge: Paintings and Drawings by Mildred C. Green (Tullis Johnson)
  • When Pierce-Arrows Led the Parades (Brooks T. Brierley)
  • Wild About Harry: Truman in Buffalo (Christine Gibbons)
  • Old Photo Album: Batavia's Richmond Mansion (Ryan Duffy)
Call 716-893-4011 for special pricing if ordering a total of 5 or more past issues.
Quantity (includes shipping; Canadian additional) - $14.65