We revisit the New York Power Authority's legal wrangling to confiscate a portion of the Tuscarora Nation in the early 1960s.
Annie Taylor and “The Great Blondin” were only the best known of the many who dared to take on Niagara’s might.
Partnerships play a key role in preserving and sharing the visual history of the Niagara River.
A celebrated War of 1812 historian takes a look at one of America’s most. . . colorful. . . early generals.
An early baseball superstar mysteriously vanishes from the International Railway Bridge.
This German immigrant, along with his family, engaged in a diverse array of ventures, the impact of which is still felt today.
Though far removed from the camouflage of today, the uniforms worn by War of 1812 soldiers served a variety of purposes.
A visual survey of spans across the Niagara River, past and present.
WNY Heritage Magazine is published four times per year. Subscribe or give a gift subscription!
Through a partnership with Christopher Behrend Photography, we bring you this photography book showing the end result of the restoration of the Art Nouveau murals in the North Park Theatre.
Through a partnership with Christopher Behrend Photography, we bring you this unique collection of the most intense & beautiful winter icescapes-captured during the incredible winter months of 2019.